Monday, February 04, 2013

The Impossible

Went for a movie last night and decided to watch this - The Impossible. The movie is based on a true event and the survival of Maria Belon and her family on their Christmas vacation during the devastating tsunami which hit while they were in Khao Lak, Thailand in December 2004.
The movie starred amazing actors - Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor, who played the couple, Maria and Henry; and Tom Holland, who played their eldest son, Lucas.
Only watching it from a screen, I caught myself cringing and gripping my hands tightly and holding my breath during the scenes when the tsunami waves hit with all the helpless people swept away in them. To put myself in the shoes of those who were actually there at that moment to experience that horrific event, it must have been so scary. I seriously doubt I would know what to do at that point of time. 
There were so much mixed emotions I got from this one movie. There were beautiful scenes where you see the love of the family on their Christmas vacation; there were the heartbreaking moments after the disaster hit and the members were clueless whether they have lost their separated loved ones; there were hopeful feelings when the husband never gave up looking for the wife and eldest son; and then that touching moment when the whole family got reunited miraculously at that one place. 
It just goes to show how great love really is, and that life and this world really need love. It was love for the family and loved ones back home which kept them going and fighting to survive and search for each other. It was love for another being which pushed Maria to convince her son, Lucas, to search for the lost little boy, Daniel shouting for his mom and dad, in the mess and save him, so that he was able to be happy with his father in the end. (how much difference that actually made!) It was love and care for the needy when the local Thais went around searching and helping those injured tourists - clothing them and rushing them to the nearby hospital, despite some losing their own homes and belongings.

Overall, it was a movie worth watching.
Condolences to those who have lost families and friends in the event.