Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Eagle Eye

AWESOME - In Caps & Bold!

Shia LaBeouf & Michelle Monaghan were fantastic! So was Billy Bob Thornton.

And, (Oh My), has Shia LaBeouf transformed since Transformer!

Yeah, yeah, I'm a sucker for men with dark looks...

*Looking at my husband* (Hmmm...Point proven?)
Ha ha ha! Well, Will thinks LaBeaouf looks great, too! Macho

As usual, I won't be giving the storyline away. So, no spoilers for those who haven't watched the movie.

All I can say is it's absolutely worth the wait. :D

The action, the suspense, the stunts - Double thumbs up!

1 comment:

jazz said...

Oh cool, I want to watch the movie, but till now, no time to watch. =)