September 11, 2001. 5 years on.
5 years back, I remember watching the TV, interrupted by the Breaking News: The World Trade Centre was hit and brought down by what was reported "2 planes hijacked by terrorists".
Now, the movie, "World Trade Center" is out.
There are still videos, pictures and news going around on this catastrophic event. And there are members still investigating on the incident.
On the Zogby Pole, 49% believe it was an Inside Job planned by the VIPs. 66% want the 9/11 investigation reopened.
5 years on, people are beginning to see for themselves and think. I know it does not take one to be a scientist or professional to comprehend. It is pure common sense.
Scientists claim that NO metal building is destroyed in a fire, but in the debris, they found melted metals and no remaining of any plane parts. Besides, it was claimed that the planes were almost out of fuel when they reached the towers. The Meridian Plaza burned for 19 hours without collapsing. Now, how could two towers as tall and as strongly-built as WTC collapse completely in like, an hour for one & 2 hours, the other? And why was the rubble destroyed right after?
Another question. Why did WTC 7 collapse? Only possible answer is it might be hit by the rubbles from the collapsing tower and exploded then collapse. BUT it was a 47-story, steel-framed building. If you see the way it collapsed, it looked more like a controlled demolition.
Also, the Boeing 757 which was claimed to hit the Pentagon in Washington was never there. They found the hole, (a hole so neat and impossible to fit a Boeing 757, plus its impact when hit) but no plane. What actually happened?